Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Notodo Filmnfest, short films for the Spanish class

I came across Notodo Filmfest surfing the web in the look of resources for the Spanish class. My first impression was not very optimistic, considering the main sponsor of the festival. However, after a closer look I was very much surprised and I highly recommend to spend some time surfing its website to find very interesting resources for our Spanish classes.

Some of the features I like about the festival and the philosophy behind are:

  • The short films can be in any language (most are in Spanish) and must have English or Spanish subtitles. We can encounter many cultural realities.
  • Short films cannot be longer than 3 minutes and a half. This fact makes them very flexible for a class.
  • The Jameson Triple Distillation Award is for 30 second long films, which makes their length similar to commercials and relate them to the concept of microrrelatos that I also like to use in my classes.
  • The jury members are recognized film directors or screen play writers, so the quality of the awarded films is guaranteed.
  • There is section called Latinoamerica en corto, so we have also access to a number of short films from other Spanish speaking countries, not only Spain.
  • There is section that includes three and a half minutes documentaries. They deal with current issues in a very accessible way.
Apart from the festival website, we can have access to the films in  the YouTube watching list:

There are several short films I would like to comment on but it will be on my next post.

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